Maintaining Trees and Lawns

  • Making The Most Of Landscape Gravel At Your Exteriors

    10 January 2020

    While grass, flowers, soil and mulch are essential for a flourishing yard, you may want to consider including landscape gravel as part of your gardening supplies! You may be thinking that gravel will detract from the appearance of your yard, especially if you associate it with the same materials employed for roadwork. However, landscape gravel is vastly different from these supplies. What you may be unaware of is that landscape gravel comes in a vast selection of colours, sizes and shapes.

  • 3 Fixes For A Hill That Just Won't Grow Grass

    9 January 2020

    Few landscaping sights are more beautiful than rolling green hills. However, getting the hills on your property to stay green is usually easier said than done. Getting grass to grow on a steep slope can be surprisingly difficult. And when you can't grow grass, not only are you faced with an unsightly mess, but you also run the risk of your hill eroding under the harsh effects of the weather. Thankfully, there are a few fixes you can try if you're having grass problems with your hill.