Maintaining Trees and Lawns

  • What You Need to Know About Turf Underlay Soil

    6 December 2023

    Turfing is a great way to beautify your lawn and make it look neater while adding value to your property. However, to achieve this, your lawn needs to have top-quality turf underlay soil. The soil quality often determines how healthy and long-lasting your lawn will be. Many factors contribute to the effectiveness of turf underlay soil, and understanding them is crucial to creating a healthy lawn. This blog post will cover everything you need to know about turf underlay soil.

  • Why You Should Start a Vegetable Garden Today

    14 July 2023

    Have you ever thought about starting a vegetable garden but didn't know where to start? It can seem intimidating at first, but the benefits are worth it. Not only is it a cheaper and healthier way to get fresh produce, but having your own garden is also beneficial for the environment and can even improve your mental health. What do you need to know? It's a Cheaper and Healthier Way to Get Fresh Produce

  • Pointers Regarding Kikuyu Lawn for a Backyard

    20 March 2023

    You may have come across the Kikuyu when looking for a type of lawn for your backyard. Here are some of the main pointers regarding this grass species. Mowing Kikuyu grass grows quickly and profusely, giving you a lush lawn that is soft to sit on and enjoy. But this means that it will need regular and frequent mowing during the summer months. In the wintertime, it will become dormant and grow more slowly.