Maintaining Trees and Lawns

Three Fundamental Tips for Maintaining Your Buffalo Turf

by Cherly Wheeler

If you are looking to improve your landscape, consider choosing buffalo turf. In general, buffalo grass is ideal for residential use because of its appeal and softness. It will enhance the aesthetics and provide a safe surface for children and pets. Also, this turf is highly resilient. The species is long-lasting and does not require replacement. Additionally, the maintenance requirements are low compared to most alternative turf varieties. However, you will still need to do some light upkeep to keep your grass looking good. Here are some essential tips for buffalo turf maintenance.

Eliminate the Weeds You should manage the growth of weeds on your buffalo turf. The presence of unwanted plants could compromise the health and appeal of your landscape. Keep in mind that weeds compete for moisture and nutrients, leading to the deterioration of the grass. Therefore, inspect the turf regularly and identify unfamiliar plants. Pluck them out before they have a chance to spread. Some stubborn weeds can spread fast, especially if you are not diligent with inspections. If you notice an invasion of another plant species, use herbicides for quick clearance of the weeds.

Remove the Thatch Buffalo turf is suitable for most climatic conditions because it can withstand harsh environmental conditions. However, if the conditions are not perfect for growth, the grass will experience significant periods of decline. The turf will enter into dormancy and begin thatching. Thatching means that sections of the turf will dry out, leaving patches of dry material. Usually, the grass will bounce back once the conditions are right again. However, you will still need to deal with the dead plant matter. Make time for raking to allow your landscape to regain its original appeal.

Manage Your Watering Poor watering practices can lead to the buffalo turf being unhealthy. The grass will not gain deep roots without enough water, and the plants will be vulnerable to adverse conditions. Moreover, proper watering is crucial for keeping the grass green and free of thatch. Consider your options for guaranteeing that your lawn receives enough moisture. The best approach is to install an irrigation system for your turf. Use automation to ensure that the maintenance task is carried out, even when you are absent. Buffalo grass does not require daily watering, but you must plan for periodic deep watering to promote the establishment of deeper roots. Avoid overwatering because the grass will become vulnerable to rot. Install a rain sensor to reduce water delivery during the rainy season. 

For more information on buffalo turf, contact a company near you.
